From Keyboard to Ink

I was never a fan of a to-do list. I always had my mind programmed around the chores I had to get done, and writing them down gave me the feeling that I have accomplished them. I was happily thriving in my mess, a term by John Law that I was introduced to at the beginning of my academic year describing the research methods in social sciences. Although not entirely applicable to my situation, I found comfort in relying on my mess to make it through this year.

However, the list was getting long and real messy, which is why I resorted to using different phone applications to organise my time, in which I failed miserably.

Going old school, I purchased a pink planner with matching pens so that I can fabricate a fun planning session at the beginning of each week. I realised, there is something comf

orting about laying out your week in front of you, and filling up the empty spaces with other fun things I would like to explore that I think I don’t have time for.

I’ve been using it for… (well I thought a week has gone by, but I have just come to the realisation that it’s only been two days) … two days now. And everything has been going in the right direction. It’s the first thing I look at in the morning and the last before bed. I actually couldn’t completely give up on going digital, and took a picture of it to remind me on the go of what’s next.

This is just the first week though… so no promises!

All Organised… I think!


2 thoughts on “From Keyboard to Ink

  1. I’ve been caught between the digital and the paper to-do list for years. I record things in an app and then extract them on to paper daily I don’t think it completely helps but there is always a backup! If you find a way to do this that works 100% and 24/7 then let me know!!!

  2. I feel like we’ll never find the balance… using a pen to write down my tasks helps me organise my time, and taking a picture of it reminds me to keep checking it. I guess we’ll still have to search for that miracle solution 😦

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